It’s all about surrounding yourself with hope + beauty
Finding peace and connection among the flowers
Am I the only woman who lost all her hobbies when she became a mom?
Girl, I already know the answer to that question.
I used to be passionate about so many things! Dancing, hiking, reading…
When my daughter, Aurora, was born, I suddenly only had one hobby: her.
Who had time for anything else amIright?! Like many mamas, I put the kids happiness before all else.
So picture this: four years ago I was going through the motions of taking care of my kids while completely lacking any type of self care. My husband (bless him) was away working grueling hours, I had no family for 1000 miles, and one fateful summer, all my close friends moved away.
I was dang lonely! I’m sure you can relate.
Well, I decided to do something about it!
I planted seeds.
My first cutting garden brought me back to life. I had no idea that three packets of seeds would bring me so much hope.
My children and I watched with a thrill as the first blooms opened. Soon, we were snipping flowers together every morning.
FINALLY I had something to do that I could do WITH my kids!
God nudged me and placed this thought in my head, “Use these flowers to make new friends.”
The rest of the summer, the kids and I delivered bouquets to everyone we could think of.
And then I realized something significant: It wasn’t just about the flowers anymore.
This was about YOU—brightening YOUR day. It was about the smile I saw on YOUR face when presented with freshly picked flowers.
You were the new friend God was talking about. Flowers were just my love language of choice.
One thing led to another, and I discovered that I couldn’t let this be “just a hobby.” I craved to reach more people. Our garden has gone from just 32 square feet to well over 12,000, and we are just getting started.
Come on over. You’re invited, friend.