Welcome, friend!

I’m Devery, flowers are my love language, and I created Aurora Flora to help you claim a moment of peace, beauty, and fun all in one place: a field of blooms. You’re invited!

You deserve a moment of peace, beauty & fun

Come to our farm, wander among the blooms, snip your favorites to take home, and intentionally live in the present moment. Experience the magic for yourself!

Meet your grower

As a young mom, there is a constant struggle to find the balance between keeping my children happy, healthy, and thriving while keeping myself happy, healthy, and thriving. 

Been there?

If you’re like me, you long for just a moment of peace. You pray every night that your kids will somehow turn out alright. And for goodness sake you need a night out with your girlfriends! 

Basically, we just wanna feel connected, rejuvenated, and inspired all at the same time. (It’s not just me, right?!)

Enter cut flowers.

In a particularly lonely time in my life, I began growing flowers with my kids, and together we delivered them to friends and neighbors on a weekly basis.

Seeing the joy in friends’ faces when presented with our home-grown flowers set my heart on fire—there really is no other way to describe the feeling.

You deserve that feeling too.

Come to our “Eden.”

Because flowers are more than just beautiful—they’re a life force.

I can’t wait to see you!

Devery’s Blog

Wanna Be a Witness to a Dream Come True?

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Tips to Make Your U-Pick Farm Visit Successful

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What’s Blooming When? A Guide to Flower Seasonality

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3 Ways You Can Find Hope & Healing Through Flowers

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Come, cut, and feel connected. You’re invited.