Forget-me-nots and 5 Things to Never Forget

Yesterday I was working at the farm in the rain, the quiet drizzle drowning out the sounds of the rest of the world, when my gaze narrowed on these tiny blue specks freckling the ground around my feet.


Officially, these are the first flowers to bloom at the farm this season, and I’ve literally waited years to grow these.

These tiny blue flowers bring so much HOPE, and I adore them for it.

These teeny, tiny specks of blue flowers are surely called “Forget me nots” for a reason.

They are small, but heartbreakingly beautiful and symbolic in many ways.

It got me thinking about those five, perfect petals on each flower, and, inspired by someone I greatly admire within my church community, here are 5 things I want you to not forget.

First, forget not that you are irreplaceable.

Just for existing, you, personally, add value to this world. Even if you feel like you don’t contribute anything, If you’re down on yourself, know that you are an essential person for so many people around you.

Second, forget not that everyone is fighting a hard battle.

Let’s be kind to each other and assume the best in others. Maybe the person that cut you off on the 150 Hwy today was rushing their kid to the hospital ;)

Third, forget not your “why.”

With all the things on your plate, take a step back and think about why you do the things you do. It may help increase your motivation to keep going. You are doing  great work!

Fourth, forget not that time spent in nature is time well spent.

Take a moment, or a day, to slow down and live in the present moment. Experience the magic of fresh air, natural beauty, and quiet.

Fifth, forget not that your relationships with loved ones are the most treasured possession you have.

No gadget, no house, no job, no hobby—nothing—can replace the relationships you nuture each day. Cherish the people who cherish you, and you’ll have everything you really need.

Yeah, okay, cheesy.

But its truth, right?!

Cheers to little blue flowers and comforting truths.


Make Your Own Flower Crown


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